Edit workspace Jendela Editor dan Teliti

Top row height factor:


Width factors:

Center row height factor:


Width factors:

Bottom row height factor:


Width factors:

Workspace width:


Samples to load in the current workspace: Editor and Resources | Editor and Notes | Resources and Editor and Notes | Editor and Consistency tool | Visual editor and USFM editor


This page is for configuring the layout of a workspace. A workspace enables you to display parts of Bibledit or websites side-by-side.

There are three rows: A top row, a center row, and a bottom row. Each row has five columns. Thus there are 15 possible positions.

You can set the relative height of each of the three rows individually. The height is set as integer factor relative to the browser window height and other panes. For example use factors of 1 and 2 respectively on two panes to get a split ⅓ / ⅔ layout. Or use factors 1, 1, and 2 respectively on three panes for a ¼ / ¼ / ½ layout.

You can enter the URLs of internal Bibledit pages or external pages to display. Enter their relative widths as an integer factor relative to the overall width and other panes. The factors for the widths work the same as for the heights.

The internal URL of a Bibledit function can be found by opening that function in the web browser, and then copying the last two bits from the URL in the address bar. The Edit page would have this URL: "edit/index". The Resources page is "resource/index". The Notes page is "notes/index".

Some useful websites with resources that can be embedded are "http://biblehub.com/interlinear", "http://unbound.biola.edu", "http://www.biblegateway.com/resources", "http://www.biblestudytools.com", "http://www.blueletterbible.org". There are many more of them.

To edit two Bibles side-by side, add two editors to the workspace. Add the following to each of them: "?bible=BibleName" For example, if one of the Bibles would be a Bible called 'Ndebele Bible', then the URL would be: "edit/index?bible=Ndebele Bible".

The Notes editor has some preset selectors. To display all the notes for a certain passage, enter the following URL: "notes/index?presetselection=forverse". When this workspace will be opened, it will display all the notes that refer to the focused passage. Other preset selectors for the Notes editor:

"notes/index?presetselection=assigned" - Display all notes assigned to you.

"notes/index?presetselection=subscribed" - Display all notes you are subscribed to.

"notes/index?presetselection=subscribeddayidle" - Display subscribed notes that have been idle for a day.

"notes/index?presetselection=subscribedweekidle" - Display subscribed notes that have been idle for a week.

You can set the width of the entire workspace. By setting the width wider than the screen, the workspace can be scrolled horizontally. This may be useful on devices with smaller screens, such as phones.

You can set the width as a percentage. Example: 150%

You can set the width as as a number of pixels. Example: 500px